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Friday, April 24, 2015

Secret Front Pocket Money Holder Video

Hi all.. yes it is me again.  So, when I posted my card last night for today's share... I didn't even realize that today was Friday.  This week has just totally gotten away from me.  I had a few people ask me how I did the Secret Front Pocket Money Holder Card that I posted last week, you can see that post HERE.  I wanted to make sure that I posted and that I didn't go another week so you get an extra share this week:) YAY!!  So, without further ado, here is this weeks video!!

Interesting video huh? LOL, I don't know what else could have gone wrong.  So, since my doggies played a little role in today's video I thought I would show you a picture of them that I snapped yesterday...

Hahaha, crazy doggies.  Both trying to figure out how they were going to get their ball out from under the bed:) Well that is all for now my friends.  Thanks for taking a peek at my page.  Until next time...
Happy Inkin'

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